Atomian Extensions
What is it
After launching in the US market, a company that uses 100% Atomian technology, we wanted to bring the experience to other use cases. Listening to our customers, we learned that our web browser task automation robot could be used to automate the filing of lawsuits in Avantius, the automatic download of the justice folder, and a whole series of use cases on proprietary software. Atomian Extensions save millions of minutes annually for our customers.
How does it work
Atomian Extensions are Google Chrome add-ons that automate data entry tasks, document reading and downloading, etc. They usually have a queue of tasks that are executed one after the other, without the need for human intervention.
Vídeo en anglès demostrant el funcionament d'
For whom

Law firms and litigation processors

Corporate legal departments

Debt recovery agencies


Due dilligence processes

Real estate appraisal processes